Data Analytics Projects
Vivendo Food Claims Case Study ![DataCamp](DataCamp.png)
This is a project I did for my DataCamp’s Data Analyst (Associate) Certification, where I answered a number of business questions
- Data was taken from vivendo food claim dataset (the dataset was provided by datacamp)
- Utilized Excel and SQL for data validation and cleaning tasks before analysis
- Used SQL for exploratory data analysis
- Used Python for visualizations and successfully defended the analysis
- A report was generated and published on datacamp’s workspace
AdventureWorksCycles Database analysis ![AdventureWorksCycle](AWC.png)
This is an Interim project I did during Generation UK&I Bootcamp, where I analysed the database and answered several business problems
- Data is taken from AdventureWorksCycles database
- Utilise SQL, Python, and data analytics skills to uncover key learnings from the dataset
- Utilized visualization skills to support findings and trends in the dataset
- Created a presentation deck and clearly communicated analytical results
- A report was generated to defend the analysis
O-List e-commerce Dataset Analysis ![AdventureWorksCycle](dataset-cover.png)
This is the final project I did during Generation UK&I Bootcamp, where I analysed the public dataset from Kaggel and answered several business problems
- Data is taken from olist e-commerce Brazil Dataset
- Utilise SQL, Python, Power BI and data analytics skills to uncover key learnings from the dataset
- Utilized visualization skills to support findings and trends in the dataset
- Created a Power BI report and clearly presented analytical results
- A Dashboard was created for the comprehensive view of the data
Ireland Homelessness Data Analysis ![Map](Map5.png)
This is a Personal project I did to enhance my data anlyasis proficiency. Where I analysed the Ireland Homelessness data and created a report
- Data is taken from
- Used excel for data preperation
- Used Power BI for data visualization
- Created a report and published on Power BI Workspace